All in all it was a good afternoon though. I re-discovered something...... the love I have for my husband. I had not wanted to go at all, and seemed to fuss all the way about every little thing. I was old and cranky, but something in the back of my head told me... just go. I've learned to listen to that intuition after many years of ignoring it. After we had been there a couple of hours, Buck and I were sitting on a picnic table near the water and I glanced up. Here is what I saw ..... my man coming around the bend walking straight towards me. The look on his face brought me back to the days we were dating and had just fallen in love. I got that schoolgirl feeling of butterflies in my stomach and my heart fluttered in the way it used to. The Lord does indeed work in mysterious ways. It took a simple cloudy day at the river to remind me of something I tend to forget...... how much I love my husband. He is the other half of my soul.
Thursday Threesome ::Apple Pie Crust::
Onesome: Apple-- turnovers? Bear claws? Do you have a favorite pastry? You know, the one you can't pass up no matter what!
I hate Bear Claws...the things they must do to cut off those poor bears feet (hehe), seriously can't stand them. As for pastry, having lived in Southern CA with my brother and his spanish wife, I got totally hooked with going to the local panaderia (Spanish Bakery). They had pineapple turnovers to die for. YUMMY!!!!!!
Twosome: Pie-- or cake? You're out to dinner and you get your choice: What do you go for? ...or do you simply have to have the creme brulee?
I usually don't get dessert when we go out, but sometimes I can't pass up the blondies at Applebees. I have the recipe on today's ost at Sunflowers in the Kitchen.
Threesome: Crust--makes the pie, ya' think? Which pie absolutely has to have the proper crust or it just doesn't work for you?
Cobblers... the crust cannot be too doughy or I won't eat it.
3X Thursday
1. What have you been listening to lately (be specific if you can)?
I have a varied taste in music, but mostly I listen to oldies on the radio. It's so weird I can't remember what I had for dinner a week ago, yet I can remember the words to every song from the late 60s and the 70s.
2. Where do you listen to music the most? Why? How (device-wise) do you use to listen to your music? Are you happy with it? Why/why not?
I listen to the radio almost 24/7. It is always in the background.
3. Are there any shows you're going to, or want to go to? What are they?
Kid Rock is coming on March 11th. I would love to see him.
Thanks for participating in Tell Me Thursday. I love the story that goes with your WW. It's also nice to hear a blogger speak so highly of her husband. =)
What a fabulous story and I got little tears when you talked about watching your husband walk up - so sweet! Thanks for participating in Tell Me Thursday! We'll look forward to seeing and hearing more!
You're our FEATURED story this month:
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Featured TMT for January
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