Phone cards are used by many people nowadays extensively. is a website which provides cheap and effective calling cards. Compared to calling your home from hotel telephone lines, the rates are very inexpensive. I have a cousin who moved to England last year, and I always use a phone card to call her. I have compared prices on many cards and sites, and this site has the cheapest rates. Their rates are much cheaper than calling from my home phone even.
Something I was very surprised about is the fact that the quality of sound is excellent. I had absolutely no interference or noise and the clarity was great. is one of the best dealers of phone cards and have cards which allow you to call from over 150 countries.They also have the widest range of calling cards available. The major advantage of these cards is that they are available online, where you have a variety of phone cards to select from. You can even compare the rates. These days a lot of students are going to foreign countries to pursue their higher studies, so this is the best site for them to purchase cards and keep in touch with their home regularly. So if you are looking at buying an international prepaid phone card, I urge you to check out this site.
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