Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday's Photo Scavenger Hunt/ Signs

Now I want to know what terrible thing happens if you ski on the weekends. I mean do they take away my decoder ring, or what? Does this mean I cannot ski at Christmas either? Darn it!


Betty said...

That sign does need some explaining, lol. Funny. Thanks for visiting me today.

Claudia said...

Now that is really a bummer!

Anonymous said...

Crikey mate, when are you supposed to ski?

Oh, that was funny! :)

Leslie: said...

This IS weird!

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmmm.. How can anyone stop a person from enjoying? Don't tell me the rescue team is not working on weekdays? Weird :P

TorAa said...

I'm Norwegian. Born with skies on my feet.
What am I gonna do? Leave the area?

Excellent PH choice

Carl said...

Can't ski on weekends? Bummer! No fun.

I've got my PhotoHunt entry up at in case you're interested. If you do visit, please leave a comment and feel free to explore the rest of my little blog.

tigerfish said...

Is that no skiing on usual weekdays except skiing is allowed on the stated days -or- no skiing allowed on Sat/Sun..etc. Confusing...

mrsnesbitt said...

These signs were so funny today!

Harajuku PearL said...

hmmm...i wonder what happen to all those people who are already getting ready to ski...hehe


Anonymous said...

Very unusual hours of operation!

lynn said...

No weekends? I think those would be the busy days.
Thanks for visiting.

Carver said...

That's a good one. Too funny.

Janet said...

How weird! Usually those would be the busiest times!

eastcoastlife said...

They are doing a roaring business, no new business needed. :)

jams o donnell said...

Haha/ Perhaps it's allowed in July! Sorry for the late visit