Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Someone gave me a flat of these yesterday to put in the pots on my patio, which is what I've been doing all morning. Does anyone know what they are and if they are for shade or direct sunlight? Thanks in advance.


Vered said...

I have no idea what they are - sorry - but they are BEAUTIFUL!!!

Maya said...

What plant it is?They have beautiful flowers.Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

I cannot remember what they are, but I planted two flats in boxes on my patio last year and they loved direct sun.

Happy WW

CastoCreations said...

Hmmm...they look familiar but I'm not sure exactly what they are. I bet my mom would know. She knows all sorts of plants. They are pretty. :)

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Those are so pretty. No idea what they are, but they are going to look gorgeous blooming on your patio.
Thanks for visiting little Faith-Boo for Wordless Wednesday.

Anonymous said...

Great shot! Happy WW.

Anonymous said...

I always enjoy pics of plants.

Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

I think they are called salvia. I'm not sure, but I planted those in Utah and they did like sun and heat! :)

I'm in AZ too, maybe I should get some of those...still learning about plants here...

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure but they're beautiful.

Gypsy at heart said...

We always called them Cock'sComb, but there is another name for them.
I think this site shows the sae flower and gives information about their care..

Anne Elizabeth said...

Those are beautiful! Thanks for visiting my blog. I've seen them before but I can't remember their name.

poopie said...

Thanks for the've really been to DYERSBURG???

Laura said...

I believe they are salvia...and they like sun light. I have them in bright red.

Thanks for dropping by my blog for WW.

Will be visiting your site again...thanks!

Christine said...

Not sure... I hope you can figure it out!

Happy WW!!

Lisa Wheeler Milton said...

As an accidental killer of plants, I have no words of wisdom.


(Thanks for coming by my site today.)

Anonymous said...

Looks like full sun, but then what do I know?

Chrissy said...

I haven't a clue...but they have an exotic look about them. Good luck!

Sarah Coggins said...

Beautiful flowers! :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog & leaving a comment!

Rachel said...

Pretty flowers - and thanks for stopping by my blog - I agree, I think they are salvia/cocks comb and they like sunlight!

Killlashandra said...

I have no idea. But I see several other people had some good answers. :)

Thanks for stopping by. And you're right The Look just gets worse the older they get. My two teens show me it often right now too....

Unknown said...

I've always loved gold like you- more than silver. :)

Thanks for stopping by

You should list your wonderful blog on :)