Sunday, June 8, 2008

Finds of the day

A new site I enjoy reading is Abhishek. It is published by Abhishek Nandakumar and every post is actually information I enjoyed reading about and learning.

My newest favorite site this week is Rambling of Maggie. She considers herself to be an internetologist and I have to agree with her. Found her through Entrecard, and she does some of the same memes I do.

A shop I found is Thought on the Wall. I LOVE thid idse. It's one of those "Why didn't I think of that?" ideas. They have several I would ike to order when money permits.

and this.... How to make Beer Can (or soda can) Chicken Photobucket Find the recipe here .


Karina said...

My parents just made "Beer can" chicken the other day, and they said it was delicious!

By the way, better late than never, but I am finally posting my "Giveaway" winners tonight, and you are a winner!

Unknown said...

Sandy: Stumbled upon this site today. Thought it might interest you.