Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Heads or Tails

Heads or Tails is back and I am so happy about it. This week is Old or New. I choose old, because I feel old this morning.

This is one of my most prized possessions. It is a sugar bowl that belonged to my great grandmother, Mollie Shook. It is the Virginia Rose pattern. It's traveled with me in all my moves, and so far not a scratch on it. I do not use it as a sugar bowl. It is in the hutch behind the glass door to be admired, but what do you think I use it for?


jenn said...

I have a glass container on my hutch that holds my jewelry. I've heard never to store your "good" stuff in your jewelry box, that way it will never be found if you were to get robbed.

Have a great tuesday!

bundle-o-contradictions said...

Very neat! Happy Tuesday. :)
Oh, Jenn! Thanks for the tidbit. I'da never thought of it...hm...where could I put my "good" stuff...?

Anonymous said...

It's beautiful and clear you take excellent care of it. I think I'd use it either for jewelry or change. Sugar bowls used to be associated with stashing extra cash! I think I saw it in a movie somewhere! :)

Misty DawnS said...

It is very very beautiful!

Sandy M said...

You are all right.... I store my extra cash in there, when I have extra.

Barb said...

It's a beautiful keepsake! It's behind a glass door so.. hmmm... what WOULD you put in it? Coins?