Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Sandy's Wednesday Challenge

This is Universal Letter Writing Week! My challenge to you is to write a letter to at least three relatives or old friends you have not heard from in a while. Handwritten or typed is ok.... then come back and comment on who you wrote to!
I guarantee you it will brighten someone's day to get a letter from you and you will feel better as well. I am mailing off letters to my sister-in-law in CA, and 2 friends- Kim in AZ and Janette in OK today. Have a great Wednesday!!!
LENS DAY "DISTORTED" A distorted Lily on Halloween 2007.


**"Liza"** said...

ohh couldn't see the clear view of the costumes but I bet it looks cute on her..;)
Happy WW! mines here

Anonymous said...

Wrote a friend in the UK, a friend on Curacao and a Belgium friend yesterday :-D

Le Butterfly said...

Well done Tes. I wish I could find the addresses I need.

Happy WW.
Mine is up.

~ zirquera ~ said...

how adorable! pls also check my site :)